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قديم 03-26-2010, 07:23 AM   المشاركة رقم: 5
~ A7lA DoNiA ~
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التسجيل: Mar 2010
العضوية: 43
المشاركات: 200
بمعدل : 0.04 يوميا
الإتصال ~ A7lA DoNiA ~ غير متواجد حالياً

كاتب الموضوع : ~ A7lA DoNiA ~ المنتدى : نافذة الأدب الأنجليزى


Battle Between Good and Evil in Dr. Faustus

The story Dr. Faustus represents the constant battle between good and evil. Every day, we are faced having to choose between the two, even if there seems like there is no solution. Faust, in the story Dr. Faustus, represents those that choose to stoop to a lower level in order to get what they want. The good angel and the bad angel are the morals that pull the Faust's soul apart, forcing him to make a decision that can effect his future. The story Dr. Faustus is a great example of how one wrong decision can cause an everlasting burn.

In the story Dr. Faustus, there is a battle of good versus evil going on. Faust is a man who is desperate for power and control. He wants to do anything he wants to do, and control anything he wants to control. That is where Mephistophales, a blood-sucking devil appears, preying on Foust and his confusing soul. Mephistophales was in heaven, and was kicked out. His soul is burning, and so he is desperate to take Foust's soul with him. Misery does love company. Faust wants power when he states "I charge thee wait upon me whilstg I live. To do whatever Faustus shall command".(Act 1, scene 2,lines 33-34). While Faustus demands his power, Mephistophales is miserable in hell. He wants Faust's soul, and the two make a trade.

Meanwhile, the good angel appears. The good angel is trying to convince Faust to drop this insanity, because the bible is what he should be reading, rather than the magic book. When it seems like the angels have gotten to Faust, the devils appear. It is an insult to the bad angels to hear Christ's name in their presence. While the good angels are telling him to repent, the bad angels are giving him a taste of pure hell. (p48) They bring out the seven deadly sins. (48) Lucifer, in the meantime, worked his magic, and Faust signs the dotted line. It is over. The seven deadly sins represent the agony of hell. Faust now became the eighth. He now became just as evil and manipulative as Mephistophales. He now was forever damned.

Temptation is society's worst enemy. When challenges arise, everyone wants answers, even if that means taking the wrong route. A great example of Faust in our society is robbery. Although most robbers know that it is morally wrong, despair for money and control turns their soul to the devil, who is ready to take advantage. After all, going to prison is like going to hell. That is the price they will pay for allowing the devil's spirit to creep inside them, and let their souls burn forever.

I believe that the story implies a moral that temptations often lead to a disaster. We all have to do what is right, and not allow our despair to take over. When our consience tells us that what we are doing is wrong, the best thing to do is not to fight it. It is often time right. We can not take the dark road, even if it is surrounded by colorful decorations. After all, looks can be deceiving and coniving. We all have to take control and do what we feel is right. We can not allow the devil to take over our soul and destroy us
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Critical Analysis of Doctor Faustus

In this essay the critical approach on (Mythological and Archetypal Approach) played a big role in forming my opinion of the signet classic book, "Doctor Faustus" It is to my knowledge that mythology does not meet our current standards of factual reality, but unlike the 16th century which this play was presented, men like Faustus saw myth as fundamental and a dramatic representation of the deepest instinctual life in the universe.

This play is about how Faustus puts on a performance for the Emperor and the Duke of Vanholt. The main thesis or climax of this play is when Faustus two friends Valdes and Cornelius who are magicians, teaches him the ways of magic. Faustus uses this magic to summon up a devil named Mephistophilis. Faustus signs over his soul to Lucifer (Satan), in return to keep Mephistophilis for 24 years. We also see what happens when magic power gets in the wrong hands when Mephistophilis punishes Robin, who is a clown and his friend Ralph for trying to make magic with a book they have stolen from Faustus. In the beginning angels visit Faustus, and each time he wonders whether or not to repent, but the devil appears and warns him not too by tempting him of magic to posses. In the end of the play the two good and evil angels have been replaced by an old man, who urges Faustus to repent? But it is to late for and the play ends with the devil carrying him off the hell.

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